Becoming a member of Gospel Elevations is free. Thousands of people visit this site that offers free exposure for Gospel Rappers, Christian Rappers and Gospel Singers with a hip hop flare. Below are 5 more tactic to increase your exposure to those who listen to Christian rap.
Create a digital signature. If you have a Web site already or you have a page on Gospel Elevations or Myspace create a digital signature in your email that has your artist name, contact information and Web site address. Whenever you email people your information is always there. Some cell phones let you create a digital signature. Have one so that when you text people that information about you is there.
Distribute Business Cards. Vista Print has cheap business card. Sometimes they offer free business cards. All you have to pay is the shipping and handling. Depending on how many you order you can pay as little as $10 or less for 250 business card. Make the info on the cards short and sweet. If you have a Web site, I would make that the largest. Be sure to put that you are a Christian Rapper or Gospel Rapper, however you want to be addressed. Leave them in the restrooms by the stalls or on the mirrors. If you ride public transportation, leave a few in your site as your leave. Leave a few in telephone books in public places. Just scatter them where ever you go. They are inexpensive seeds that will draw people to you.
Wear Promotional Material with just your Web site on it. Hopefully your Web address is short. We have short memories or we have some much going on that we may forget. People love looking up Web addresses to see what is there.
A fitted cap or a winter cap with your Web address is good. If you’re at the mall or grocery store someone is going to see it. They may even ask you about it. Then you’ll get to tell them. Be sure to add some suspense so that they are provoked to go see. Of course don’t lie or trick them.
Freestyle or Open Air Rapping. If you got great rapping skills and your flow is tight, freestyling or open air rapping in a public place can bring attention to you. Have a couple of your Christian friends or other Christian rappers meet you at a park, game or busy college campus and perform live. It will be a great chance for people to hear you live (FREE) and even give you a chance to witness to the lost.
Participate in Christian New Groups or Forums. Get on and look type in the words Christian Rap, Gospel Rappers, or Christian Rappers. Go to the top forums and become a familiar face/voice. Share your comments relative to discussions. Don’t forget to leave your digital signature.
1 comment:
Good tips
check out Hip Hop for Jesus Christ at
Peace in Jesus!!
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